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Category Archives: Creativity

Personal Symbology and Intuition

“One of the first steps in developing intuition is to learn your own symbolic language. With practice you’ll learn that certain symbols or impressions are, for you, highly reliable signs of certain things.” ~ Laura Day, Practical Intuition In Hawaii, when I was seven, I found a dollar bill on the sidewalk not far from […]

Looking Up

A college friend of mine would walk along nature trails or city streets with his head tipped back, discovering. He’d say, “Up is a neglected direction.” He may have looked silly, and tripped now and then, but he discovered things up there, with his altered perspective, that wowed us both, and I became a convert. […]

How to Stop Time

Tell people you’re really busy, then close the door and putter contentedly. Play with a dog. Don’t look at clocks. Lean back on pillows in a boat on a calm lake. Turn off all buzzing, beeping, ringing things. Float down a slow river in an inner tube with pals, passing the snacks back and forth. […]

Talent Development Resources

Douglas Eby’s superlative network of Websites, Talent Development Resources is extensive (more than 600 pages) to the point of eye-bugging awe. And we’re in luck, because Eby’s interests include highly sensitive people (HSPs). “Talent Development Resources has grown out of my interests and research in creativity, personal development and positive psychology, and an appreciation of […]

Curious Curators

For whatever reasons, there are bodies of knowledge that attract, pieces and patterns that captivate us completely while other people pass blindly by. There is expertise that finds us if we let ourselves be. It’s not about discovering a unique way to profit. It’s about being real and happy, and who knows what may happen […]

Power to the Peepholes

High sensitivity can feel like being plugged into an electric current of awareness, like having non-optional X-ray goggles on. During the staff meeting, it’s obvious that she’s pissed off about something, he’s stealth-bullying the new receptionist, and those three know a secret. At the restaurant, that boy is scared of his mother, the couple in […]

Crying and Staying

One of the ways overstimulation overflows is through crying. Sometimes too much emotion, too much stress, too much too muchness wells up and out come the tears. What do you do then, particularly if other people are around? My friend Kay doesn’t do much at all. I didn’t know Kay very well the first time […]

Secret Spaces

“It’s like that secret place you had as a kid, where you could say whatever bubbled into your mind and not worry about what anyone thought…. When you went to your secret place, you had no fear. Try to remember the worlds you created there. Try to recall the heroic roles you invented for yourself, […]

Books | Joyful Self-Employment

The highly sensitive people I know who are thriving are all self-employed. Is this a coincidence? Maybe. But maybe not. Self-employment has a lot to offer HSPs, and many of our innate tendencies make us suited for taking up the reins of our own business. Self-employment doesn’t need to be a gigantic, red-tape-festooned, complicated step. […]

Collage Vision Boards

In certain self-actualization circles, vision boards have been all the rage for a while, and stories abound documenting their effectiveness. Take or leave the hype, but the concept can be tailored to whatever suits. For instance, for my own pleasure and delight, I started a series of collages a while back that depict, in detail, […]

Play Anyway

“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” ~ Satchel Paige Play anyway. Play even if no one approves. Create without purpose. Experiment. Make mistakes. Make nonsense. Make more mistakes. Forget finesse. Lose track of time. Delve. Turn off the editor. Play hooky. Become one with something larger. Jettison pretence. […]

The Link Between Mess and Abundance

Have you ever had the experience of finally tackling a long-overdue clean-up project – like updating your filing system or giving the garage a thorough shakedown – and afterward noticing a greater measure of bounty coming into your life? Apparently, nature does abhor a vacuum, and creating orderly space, whether of the inner or outer […]

Self-Care Basics

Years ago, a close friend of mine involved in a 12-step program told me about one of their handy tools for tuning in and staying grounded. Easy to remember because of its acronymn, the tool is referred to as H.A.L.T., which stands for hungry, angry, lonely, tired. The idea is that if one is any […]

Highly Sensitive Havens

Imagine arriving in an unfamiliar town. Everything around you is foreign. You’re disoriented by your long journey, thrown off balance by the suddenness of this trip you’ve not had time to plan ahead for, and your heart is beating faster than usual. What can you do? You head straight to the local Highly Sensitive Haven. […]

The Power of Creativity

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” ~ Epictetus Life’s a lab. We experiment, starting with a question (curiosity). Creativity is about risking mistakes in search of satisfying answers. What we often mean when we say we’re not creative about something is that we’ve stopped trying. Even the most […]