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Creativity Prompt | 27

Imagine an anonymous donor giving you all you need to solve this.

What would you get?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 22 ~ Wishing Like Children ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 26

How could you explain the issue to someone who doesn’t speak your language?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 13 ~ Multilingualism for HSPs ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 25

Employ osmosis. Absorb a solution.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 19 ~ Personal Symbology and Intuition ~ The Power of Creativity

Sensitivity, Curiosity, and Leadership

Duel Beams, by mandj98

I believe that being sensitive equips us to lead. Sensitivity, by definition, involves a greater than normal ability to feel or notice or think about what others do not. Do you see that whether you’re highly sensitive – embodying a range and depth of sensitivities, or sensitive in a single area, you sway at the top of a mast, seeing what others miss? Do you see the powerful gift in that?

We don’t have time to wait for Western society to embrace sensitivity as a gift and thus make our lives easier. Instead, let’s stage a quiet revolution, a revolution that begins with self-acceptance and curiosity. Our unleashed curiosity contains the power to challenge the status quo.

Lead by asking questions. Lead from your sensitivity. Ask yourself. Ask others. Ask to unfetter and expand. Ask with love. Inspire. Be a beacon, not a spear.

What is the gift at the centre of your sensitivity? Ask yourself until you know. Polish what you find. Be weird. Be valuable. Step into a spotlight. Share.

“Curious people count. Not because there are a lot of them, but because they’re the ones who talk to people who are in a stupor. They’re the ones who lead the masses in the middle who are stuck. The masses in the middle have brainwashed themselves into thinking it’s safe to do nothing, which the curious can’t abide.”

~ Seth Godin, in Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

Flickr photo: Duel Beam, by mandj98.

Related reading: The High Demand for Sensitivity, The Power of Curiosity.

Creativity Prompt | 24

Define the current parameters.

Take one away. Invent a new one.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 4 ~ Effectiveness vs. Efficiency ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 23

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

Use it now.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 11 ~ Hero Practice ~ The Power of Creativity

Pep Talk | Ditch the Chasm

Carlsbad Flower Field March, by akaporn

Oh dear. The last straw landed. You veered off the road. You’re on your knees in the dirt, wondering how to get up and continue to carry the heavy load. The temptation to lean forward and topple onto your face, to give up altogether, looks pretty good right about now.

If you’re only in a ditch, don’t look around for a chasm.

You have options in a ditch. Shove off the heavy load, just for a few minutes. It’s not going anywhere. Have a sip of cool water. Wipe the sweat out of your eyes. Lean back and take in the stunning view of the sky. Breathe deeply without the burden of weight on your shoulders. Slow down.

Then consider your heavy load. Do some sorting. These straws here are so old they’re never going to provide anyone nourishment. Toss them blithely over your shoulder. Good riddance. And the load was ridiculously lopsided. Here, bundle this bit together neatly, and that bit, too, and the whole thing balances much more easily. Right, then. Off you go.

Focus on the stop, not the drop.

When something goes wrong and you feel exasperation and futility rise up, focus on the thing that went wrong. Don’t succumb to the allure of the deep drop that sucks everything else into the darkness with you. Just because the load was too heavy and you fell into a ditch doesn’t mean you’ll never get to the market, or your partner will kick you out of the cottage, or the villagers will shun you, or you’ll die poor. Fix the one thing. Adjust the load. Move on.

The ditch is a dip. The chasm is a choice.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Related reading: Pep Talk | Chin Up, Self-Care Basics, Herbal Pharmacy

Flickr photo: Carlsbad Flower Field March, by acaporn.

Creativity Prompt | 22

Say yes to what you’ve been saying no to.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 3 ~ Joy Detective ~ The Power of Creativity

Book | Orbiting the Giant Hairball

“Why would anyone want to suppress genius? Well, it is not intentional. It is not a plot. Genius is an innocent casualty in society’s efforts to train children away from natural-born foolishness.”
~ Gordon MacKenzie

“Orville Wright did not have a pilot’s license.”
~ Gordon MacKenzie

Gordon MacKenzie may have spent the bulk of his creative career ensconced within the corporate world of Hallmark Cards, but don’t let that put you off. What he has to teach about creativity crosses all boundaries. I read the book in one sitting. My face ached afterwards, from a severe case of extended grins.

Excerpt from Gordon MacKenzie's Orbiting the Giant Hairball

During his many years with Hallmark, MacKenzie poked and prodded his way out into orbit around the corporation (the Giant Hairball), championing creativity by all means possible. His ideas about creating within the corporate structure aptly transfer to any situation in which we yearn to create within external limitations.

Visually beautiful and artfully designed, and with chapters about dealing with teasing, thinking transrationally, and resisting the mesmerizing pull of corporate culture, this little book bristles with accessible, high-quality encouragement.

Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace has been added to the Creativity Prompts Compendium.

Related reading: Book | Air Guitar, Talent Development Resources.

Creativity Prompt | 21

Who can help you with this?

Ask them, even if you can’t reach them or they’re dead.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 12 ~ Interview | Nan ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 20

Express the issue as a modern dance.

Do it now.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 7 ~ Play Anyway ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 19

Make a list of ways to eliminate the issue rather than solve it.

Make the list as long as necessary.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 10 ~ The Link Between Mess and Abundance ~ The Power of Creativity

Announcing the New Services Page

light on stairs, by extranoise

UPDATE in 2012: For current services and contact information, see instead the Writer’s Shepherd page on my new website, The Curious Writer.

There’s a new page of resources on Highly Sensitive Power. On the Services page you’ll find information about various ways I can help you reach your goals. The page will be updated as my services expand or change.

The Services page includes an invitation. I’m considering offering some form of coaching services. If you have ideas about what you would like that to look like, or how you see me helping people, I would love to know. Please feel free to write to me at

The Compendiums page has also been updated, with the beginnings of a Website-Creation Compendium added.

With joy to be expanding my offerings and with glee that you’ve visited, I welcome you to check back often and to let me know what you think.

Flickr photos: light on stairs, by extranoise.

Creativity Prompt | 18

Forget finesse.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 15 ~ Crying and Staying ~ The Power of Creativity

The Power of Equal and Opposite Forces

Olivia sliding, by Anosmia

Consider the push. Forging ahead requires a push. Visions uniquely our own come without how-to manuals. Bushwhacking through uncharted territory requires leaning into the overgrowth with a sharpened blade. We invent the path as we go. We grope. We push into new growth – our own growth. This push, if undertaken in earnest and left unchecked, brings exhaustion, mental and physical.

Now consider the pull. Gravity’s lure of ease mesmerizes. Loosen our grip and natural pull takes over. Push’s antidote awaits in the embrace of the inward fold, in the beckoning of the body’s tune. Grant ourselves permission to recede back into the shadows, and we tap the ageless strength of ancient times, of the purely physical, of the collective subconscious, of myth and sweat.

Abandoned descent facilitates surging progress.

In the morning, I drive my vision forward with focus. I make the call, ask for help, write the proposal, launch the experiment, take the hit, mine the feedback, edit the plan, make amends, change in spite of hurt, learn, grow, grope. By lunchtime, depleted, I am a husk decelerated to a stop.

It’s time to fall.

Fingers uncurl from the gripped vision, allowing calculated thought to slip away. Like a plant, like vegetable matter hungry for nutrients, I take in food. I breathe a while, until movement entices and I take my body for a walk, a reunion of the senses. The basics of bathing slow my breathing. Finally, surrender to the world of story deepens the fall as a movie fills the darkened room with flickering light, lifts me far away, and triggers the mind behind my mind. The bigger mind than mine takes up the task of moving me toward my dreams. I dream within my dream. I descend into the light.

We are renewable resources driven by perpetual motion. Figure out how to match your forward thrust with freefall. Unlikely though it may seem, forward plus down equals up.

Flickr photo: Olivia sliding, by Anosmia.

Related reading: Time Management for Highly Sensitive People, Books | Joyful Self-Employment