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Creativity Prompt | 37

What are the variables?

Vary them.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 10 ~ Giving Up Housework ~ The Power of Creativity

Pep Talk | Grope

Oh, of course. Now I see, by dvsOuch! Dang it. What was that? Did you hear that?

You left the dark, wretched cave you’d crouched in for years to quest for growth and adventure. You dreamed of golden light and expanding horizons. You really went for it. You gave it your all. And instead you find yourself in another dark, wretched cave. Ironic, isn’t it?

There’s no map for growth into uncharted territory.

You take a step, look around, figure things out again, then take another step. Or, if you’re on your hands and knees, you crawl another few centimetres forward. You guess if you have to, but you keep moving. Every step changes your situation. Every change means recalibration of the finely tuned dream-questing machine that is you.

The dense undergrowth of a tough passage doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push ahead if that’s where you know your fortune lies. It does mean developing your persistence muscles.

You will fall. Get up.

So, okay. The underbrush hid a ravine. Down you go. Plonk. Give yourself time to rant. Stomp around. Fling out your very worst curses. Shout until you lose your voice. Done? Get your bearings. Grope forward again.

So what if the path to your deepest dreams isn’t a straight line drawn in ink on a map so detailed the flowers are accurately noted. Your deepest dreams have to do with what makes you unique. Guess what? You’re headed into the darkness. Get your bearings again. You know the next step, even if it’s the only one you do know. It’s enough.

Stop looking for illumination. Be luminous.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Flickr photo: Oh, of course. Now I see, by dvs.

Related reading: Oops! Wrong Limb, Love’s Slope

Creativity Prompt | 36

Get some fresh air. Lots of it.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 25 ~ Looking Up ~ The Power of Creativity

WORK Is Not a Four-Letter Word

Two heads are better than one, by krikitLike the word GOD, somewhere along the way in our society the word WORK lost its way, taking on a precarious, over-managed burden of meanings it was never meant to bear. The simple core of WORK is effort directed toward accomplishment.

What a relief.

If that’s all it is, then we can reclaim the word – befriend it – as a start toward reclaiming the goodness inherent in the work we do…or we can change the work we do.

If WORK is a four-letter word for you, Alexander Kjerulf may be able to help. He offers a perspective that revitalizes poor WORK’s flattened sense of worth. Kjerulf calls himself “The Chief Happiness Officer,” which tells us a lot about his mission.

These elements of Kjerulf’s website attract me in particular:

  • Kjerulf’s article “Coolest business card ever” immediately fascinates and has a link to another article, “51 Creative Business Cards That Will Make You Look Twice,” on Neil Patel’s QuickSprout site.
  • Kjerulf wrote a book, Happy Hour is 9 to 5, which he makes available in various formats (including online for free).
  • Apparently, Kjerulf considers being available for questions part of his job as Chief Happiness Officer (CHO). He encourages people to ask him questions related to happiness at work through his Ask the CHO page.
  • The extensive list of “Great Blogs” (scroll down and look in the right sidebar) offers plenty of pertinent further browsing.

* * *

A bonus resource on the topic of work is Bob Sutton’s Work Matters website, which includes the article “Asshole Wrangler: A New Job Title.”

Flickr photo: Two heads are better than one, by krikit.

Related reading: Compass Titles, Dawna Jones Leads Me on a Linkfest

Creativity Prompt | 35

Ask the oldest person you know what they would do.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 7 ~ Out-of-Context Quote Book ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 34

What aspects of a successful outcome terrify you the most?

Go there.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 2 ~ Crying and Staying ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 33

Invent the system you wish you could find.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 18 ~ Highly Sensitive Havens ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 32

Tell Santa Claus.

Out loud.

With a lisp.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 19 ~ Secret Spaces ~ The Power of Creativity

Grace Kerina’s Five Rules for Life

Decaying tulips (5), by tanakawhoJon D. Andre was kind enough to invite me to send him my Five Rules of Life, which he published last week. If the idea appeals, write your own and submit them to Jon, or do it just for yourself. See the Five Rules of Life site for interesting and thought-provoking compilations.

Grace Kerina’s Five Rules for Life

  1. Cover your mouth when you sneeze. When we commit on a cellular level to taking responsibility for our own waste, in all the ways the concept implies, we become saviours. We foster intimacy, we allow future generations to live on, and we keep our neighbours from breathing up our germs.
  2. Feed on what you’re hungry for. Our souls crave focus, not excess. We hunger for the vortex. We yearn toward topics, joys, and passions that tumble us into a world of deeper meaning. Let passion lead. Follow.
  3. Tap your own veins. Quit waiting to be told. We embody infinities and multitudes. We know. When bombarded with the swirl of options, pressures, and rules that swarm and ebb all around us all the time, be still. Close your eyes. Tap into the deep wisdom flowing through your veins. Be big on the inside.
  4. Look up. Attitude makes a difference. To find stability, look up, not down. Take to heart Henry David Thoreau’s encouragment and let the wide, breathtaking view lead: “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.”
  5. Play anyway. Play even if no one approves. Shrug off the armour. Turn the clock toward the wall. Jettison pretence. Frolic. Cackle. Drool. Jump. Why? Pure joy. Connection. Power beyond the merely mortal.

Flickr photo: Decaying tulips (5), by tanakawho.

Related reading: Interview | Carrie McCarthy, Interview | Paulina Bustamante

Creativity Prompt | 31

Just stop. Do absolutely nothing for a while.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 22 ~ How to Stop Time ~ The Power of Creativity

Creativity Prompt | 30

Imagine the issue as a diorama.

Now look through a peephole in the back.

What is revealed?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 13 ~ Power to the Peepholes ~ The Power of Creativity

Pep Talk | Think

Contemplation, by Just a Temporary MeasureWhat’s your first response to a setback? How do you handle bumps in the road, big or small? Hand-wringing, raging, tossing blame around, and giving up don’t get you very far. At best, they’re like running in place. At worst, indulged in habitually, they take you backwards, away from solutions and resolutions.

Here’s a radical strategy: think.

Feelings give us useful information. They alert us to problems. They provide crucial feedback about the journey. But thought steers. Take the time to tune in to the situation with your thinking cap on. Get logical. Reason with yourself. List the pros and cons. Make the case for and against. Reach out in new directions. Plan an experimental foray.

Don’t just think you know. Think until you know.

Actually take time out to use your mind to focus on the issue at hand. Do whatever it is that helps you think. Write it all out. Talk out loud to yourself. Take a walk with a pencil and a scrap of paper in your pocket. Sit in a corner of a quiet library. Make a point of setting feelings aside long enough to engage in a spot of real, hard-core, tell-it-like-it-is, clarifying reasoning.

Convince yourself you know what you’re doing.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of GRACE }

Flickr photo: Contemplation, by Just a Temporary Measure.

Creativity Prompt | 29



Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 19 ~ Avoid the Rush – Finish Last ~ The Power of Creativity

Compass Titles

bruixola, by art es anna

You probably have some form of a job title, even if you’re self-employed. Service Associate. Librarian. Sous Chef. Chemical Engineer. Dog Walker. Writer. Personal Coach. Waiter. Is your current title an expression of the truest you? Do you swell with pride when you say it out loud? If not, it’s time for a new calling card, one that tells the full story, the true story of you.

Consider Gordon MacKenzie, who spent his career at Hallmark Cards. At one point his official business title was Creative Paradox. No, I’m not suggesting you launch a campaign at work to have your title officially changed (unless the idea appeals to you). MacKenzie’s example is that he knew the power of a title that sparked interest, that led from his truth. Such titles compel us forward, show us the way. They provide guidance the way a compass keeps us on a true path.

For a long time I embraced the title of Secret Ingredient. I loved helping others shine, supporting them behind the scenes while they basked in the limelight. As my understanding of myself shifted, so did my job title. Now I hold the titles of Sensitivity Champion, Creativity Enzyme, and Imaginary Friend, among others.

What pithy title describes you and the value you bring to the world? There are no rules.

Consider having business cards made to proclaim your expertise. Hand them out. Own your true path.

Flickr Photo brĂșixola, by art es anna.

Related reading: Curious Curators, Joy Detective, Hidden Lives Revealed.

Creativity Prompt | 28

Ask someone who knows absolutely nothing about this project to give you advice.

Take notes.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related posts: Creativity Prompt | 1 ~ Hidden Lives Revealed ~ The Power of Creativity