Ouch! Dang it. What was that? Did you hear that?
You left the dark, wretched cave you’d crouched in for years to quest for growth and adventure. You dreamed of golden light and expanding horizons. You really went for it. You gave it your all. And instead you find yourself in another dark, wretched cave. Ironic, isn’t it?
There’s no map for growth into uncharted territory.
You take a step, look around, figure things out again, then take another step. Or, if you’re on your hands and knees, you crawl another few centimetres forward. You guess if you have to, but you keep moving. Every step changes your situation. Every change means recalibration of the finely tuned dream-questing machine that is you.
The dense undergrowth of a tough passage doesn’t mean you shouldn’t push ahead if that’s where you know your fortune lies. It does mean developing your persistence muscles.
You will fall. Get up.
So, okay. The underbrush hid a ravine. Down you go. Plonk. Give yourself time to rant. Stomp around. Fling out your very worst curses. Shout until you lose your voice. Done? Get your bearings. Grope forward again.
So what if the path to your deepest dreams isn’t a straight line drawn in ink on a map so detailed the flowers are accurately noted. Your deepest dreams have to do with what makes you unique. Guess what? You’re headed into the darkness. Get your bearings again. You know the next step, even if it’s the only one you do know. It’s enough.
Stop looking for illumination. Be luminous.
{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }
Flickr photo: Oh, of course. Now I see, by dvs.
Related reading: Oops! Wrong Limb, Love’s Slope