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Creativity Prompt | 58

Describe the outfit your muse is wearing.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 48 ~ Personality Tests

Pep Talk | Wing It


Groping moves you forward when you’re low-down. Winging it involves a launch and a rush on a dare. When the research piles up and speculation gets old, get real.

Learn from a test that demands your best.

Nothing informs like a foray into the real world. So hike up your socks, strap on the wings, curl your toes over the edge of the cliff and do what you’ve been working yourself up to do. You’ll never, ever get where you want to go – that mesmerizing spot at the horizon of your dreams – unless you take a chance, unless you ditch the blueprints and try out the apparatus.

You have to risk a splat to change the scenery.

Harsh, but true. You do love yourself enough not to try out your wings off a cliff so high you’ll fall hard enough to give up, right? Wing it in ways that allow you to splat and still walk home. What you learn from the fall will give you courage and data and ideas about how to make the next launch better, safer, faster, higher, more thrilling, and more breath-taking.

Repeated falling inspires repeated flying.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Flickr photo: Sense of Something Coming, by lepiaf.geo.

Related reading: Oops! Wrong Limb, Hero Practice

Creativity Prompt | 57

Close your eyes.

What do you see?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 44 ~ Looking Up

Quantum Physics and the Art of Manifestation

DSCN7711, by mikefatsPerhaps, in part, because I have balanced use of the right and left sides of my brain (I am an artist with a science degree), I’m always on the lookout for places where science mingles interestingly with art, philosophy, and spirituality. Quantum mechanics and the art of manifestation is one such place, and the combination has everything to do with empowerment.

From The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, by Gary Zukav, first published in 1979:

“Contrary to Newtonian physics, quantum mechanics tells us that our knowledge of what governs events on the subatomic level is not nearly what we assumed it would be. It tells us that we cannot predict subatomic phenomena with any certainty. We can only predict their probabilities.

“Philosophically, however, the implications of quantum mechanics are psychedelic. Not only do we influence our reality, but in some degree, we actually create it. Because it is the nature of things that we can know either the momentum of a particle or its position, but not both, we must choose which of these two properties we want to determine. Metaphysically, this is very close to saying that we create certain properties because we choose to measure those properties. Said another way, it is possible that we create something that has position, for example, like a particle, because we are intent on determining position and it is impossible to determine position without having some thing occupying the position that we want to determine.

“Quantum physicists ponder questions like, ‘Did a particle with momentum exist before we conducted an experiment to measure its momentum?’; ‘Did a particle with position exist before we conducted an experiment to measure its position?’; ‘and ‘Did any particles exist at all before we thought about them and measured them?’ ‘Did we create the particles that we are experimenting with?‘ Incredible as it sounds, this is a possibility that many physicists recognize.

“John Wheeler, a well-known physicist at Princeton, wrote:

May the universe in some strange sense be ‘brought into being’ by the participation of those who participate? The vital act is the act of participation. ‘Participator’ is the incontrovertible new concept given by quantum mechanics. It strikes down the term ‘observer’ of classical theory, the man who stands safely behind the thick glass wall and watches what goes on without taking part. It can’t be done, quantum mechanics says.

“The languages of eastern mystics and western physicists are becoming very similar.”

From Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks (with Abraham), published in 2004:

“You were born knowing that you are the creator of your own reality, and although that desire to do so pulsed within you in a powerful way, when you began to integrate into your society, you began to accept much of the same picture that others held of the way your life should unfold. But still, within you today lives the knowledge that you are the creator of your own life experience, that absolute freedom exists as the basis of your true experience, and that ultimately the creation of your life experience is absolutely and only up to you.”

Flickr photo: DSCN7711, by mikefats.

Related reading: Cage or Gate?, Conversations Between Me and U

Creativity Prompt | 56

What if you had to solve this within the next five minutes?

Set a timer right now.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 33 ~ Effectiveness vs. Efficiency

Creativity Prompt | 55

Role play.

Get others to participate.

Be silly.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 10 ~ Diagram Prize for the Oddest Book Title

Creativity Prompt | 54

What about this project turns you on?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 29 ~ Curious Curators

Creativity Prompt | 53

Vividly remember when you went through something like this before.

What did you do then?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 35 ~ Significant Instants

How to Mingle at a Party | Tips for the Timid

Party time! / Tiempo de Fiestas, by pasotraspasoHow do we timid folks mingle at a party and still respect ourselves in the morning? If you want to avoid next-day reviews of your party performance without the forehead-smacking bad memories, follow these simple steps:

  1. Take time to attend to your appearance so it doesn’t distract you during the party. It’s not about standing out. It’s about being comfortable. Do the basic primping. Be clean and shave all the appropriate bits. Wear an outfit that helps you relax because you know you look nice in it. Help yourself feel as easy with your body as you can at this time.
  2. Pre-plan flexible exit strategies. Make arrangements that allow you to leave the party whenever you want to. On your own. Know the bus schedules or the taxi service’s phone number. Have enough bus or taxi money with you. Do whatever it takes. You can still leave the party with others, but if you have options you won’t feel cornered. Be free to go.
  3. Take a prop. Having something to fiddle with can cover the moments when you can’t think of anything to say. One of the best props is a small digital camera. Use it with respect. If you take photos that flatter people or are artistic or funny-for-all, you can show the photos at the party if someone asks to see. Be creative about your prop. The goal is to deflect the focus from you and/or to give you something to fiddle with when you need a break.
  4. Ask about what you want to know. You’re bright. You’re curious. You notice things others don’t. Use those qualities. Begin conversations you’re interested in having. Rather than wondering what will interest the person you’re talking to, tune in to what sparks your interest. You can even think about this before the party and arrive with leading questions. Be daring if you want – if that’s where your curiosity takes you – but also remember to be kind.
  5. Leave before you lose it. Go when you feel good about yourself, before you feel too overwhelmed to recover during a trip to the washroom. Leave earlier than anyone else if that’s what you need to do. Be gracious with the host of the party. Slip away. Enjoy your success.

Flickr photo: Party time! / Tiempo de Fiestas, by pasotraspaso.

Related reading: Pep Talk | Chin Up, Book | One Small Step Can Change Your Life

Creativity Prompt | 52

What power tool would a construction worker advise you to use now?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 19 ~ The Power of Curiosity

Creativity Prompt | 51

Describe the problem using the fewest words possible,

as though each word costs $100.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 2 ~ Pep Talk | Think

Pep Talk | Keel Over

toppled down, by tab2_dawaWhen you’re already doing the best you can, there are only so many pep talks you can stomach before you feel a severe case of eye-rolling coming on. “Alright already,” you say. “Rah. Rah. Yay me.” But your voice lacks conviction. Your voice says, “Enough is enough.”

Yes, you may be excused.

When weariness sets in, when the lights flicker, when the cozy bed beckons, even if there’s no obvious reason for the energy drain, stop fighting.

Don’t stand on ceremony when falling to the floor gets you where you need to go.

The lights are flickering because your battery needs recharging. Your epic journey of greatness can include pit stops. So what if someone sees your shoulders sag. So what if you can’t put two sensible words together and someone notices. Or comments on it. Snarkily. Let them be. Turn away. It’s time to go and drool in the darkness.

Dignity is overrated. Topple.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Flickr photo: toppled down, by tab2_dawa.

Related reading: Pep Talk | Grope, The Power of Equal and Opposite Forces

Creativity Prompt | 50

What’s your excuse?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.

See Grace Kerina’s recently updated (book and video)
Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.

Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 34 ~ A Forgiving Tale

We Are All Magicians

Street Magic, by a_whisper_of_unremitting_demandI’ll tell you about this book even before I’ve finished it. Carol S. Pearson, author of the best-seller The Hero Within, writes about archetypes and how they can guide and help us. She and Sharon Seivert wrote Magic at Work, referred to on the cover as “A Guide to Releasing Your Highest Creative Power.”

Magic at Work explores the Magician archetype and has me thinking a lot about sensitivity. Rather than review the book further, I’ll give you a few excerpts and let the authors speak for themselves:

“Society today is experiencing a major shift in consciousness as people switch from thinking like Warriors to thinking like Magicians. The Magician is that part of us that manifests the highest and greatest potential in any situation.”

“The Magician archetype is emerging today because it can help us thrive in a world without superpowers, stable borders, or right/wrong answers. In a time of global interdependence, it may, in fact, take miracles to help us learn to balance conflicting needs and attitudes, and be willing to learn from those different from ourselves.”

“Magicians always have been masters of the space between – times like sunrise and sunset, when the boundaries between the worlds are not firm, when gods can walk the earth and humans can touch the sky, and when the line between life and death is permeable.”

“In the In-Between, we are challenged constantly to come alive by letting go of old habits, old methods. To progress we must, metaphorically speaking, die and be reborn into new experience. If we fail to rise to this challenge, we begin to feel like the walking dead, going through the motions of life without intensity or joy.”

“We get caught in the hallway of the In-Between until we heal whatever traumas or limitations are holding us back from being truly authentic and alive. After this is accomplished, we move into the next world.”

“The magic of the In-Between holds the potential for exponential growth. The pain we feel is a result of our attachment to the old ways, even though the old world is too small and limited for what we are becoming. Magic emerges when we let go of that to which we are accustomed so that we can grow into a world large enough to accommodate who we can be.”

“Magic happens not just because of what we do but because of what we are willing to become.”

What do you want to create? Find keys to ease the process in the role model of the Magician. When we trigger the deep knowledge of archetypes we access zooming power.

Flickr photo: Street Magic, by a_whisper_of_unremitting_demand.

Related reading: Personal Symbology and Intuition

Creativity Prompt | 49

What’s the most inappropriate solution?

Consider it.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 34 ~ Pep Talk | Think