Push. Push. Push. And if that doesn’t accelerate the dream quickly enough, then push from a different angle. But pushing – that’s a given, right? Nope.
Pushing maintains the swirl. Sometimes, what’s out of sight and zooming toward you isn’t quite here yet. A leap in another direction doesn’t always land you in a more findable spot.
Waiting may the quickest way to get somewhere.
How do you know which tack to take? Push or wait? If pushing makes you hyperventilate, makes your eyes bug out with effort, then maybe you’re pushing against yourself rather than anything that’s actually in your way.
If you think you’ve done everything right, but there’s still no reward, try waiting. Even just for a little bit.
Now and then, be the target, not the arrow.
If you’re wondering why you’ve been overlooked by the gods, consider the possibility that they can’t pinpoint your location through all the dust you’re kicking up as you flail.
Take a deep breath. Sit down. Be quiet. Sip your tea.
Trust is not an extreme sport.
{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }
Flickr photo: Sleepy buda, by Silvio Tanaka
Related reading: Pep Talk | Keel Over, British TV Crime Dramas – Part Two