Mature people take responsibility for their actions. If you find yourself scowling through your days, finding fault wherever you look, or unable to crack your foul mood, then consider the source. It’s unlikely that everything, everyone, everywhere really is awful.
Maybe you need to take a good look at what age you’re stuck in. When you grow up, even a little, you accept more responsibility for making your life look the way you want it to.
Ask yourself who you want to be, then audition for the part.
Aim to be mature beyond your years. Practice acting like the person you wish you could become. Pick a role model – from real life, a book, or a movie – who’s breath-takingly brilliant at doing what you wish you could do and try to channel them when you need to, even if the idea of doing so makes you feel a bit silly.
Master yourself. Measure maturity by response ability.
Incompetent fools and cads abound – no doubt. Resist the temptation to join them, to take the bait, or even to teach them a lesson. Responsibility – response ability – requires clarity about what stuff belongs to the cads and what stuff belongs to you. When you let them be, you let yourself become. You turn the focus inward and grow yourself up.
Don’t act your age. Age your act.
{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }
Flickr photo: Climbing?, by ktylerconk
Related reading: Pep Talk | Ditch the Chasm, Interview | Carrie McCarthy