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Pep Talk | Embrace Corny

Pippi Långstrump, by Meanest IndianLet the taste-makers whisper about you from their flashy corner of the party. Let them cast you off as a lost cause. Your human compulsion to fit into a social network can be satisfied just fine without making any compromises in the name of coolness.

Pick a team. Just make sure it’s your own.

Haul out that John Denver cassette tape. Wear the comfortable shoes. Arrive unfashionably early. Laugh like a hyena at the part no one else thinks is funny. Play with the kids if that’s more fun than hanging out with the adults at the party. Cry whenever you want to.

Authentic corniness trumps cool every time.

Things are only corny or cool because someone appointed themselves an arbiter of taste and others followed along. Judgement sucks. Take a different path, one that allows you to embrace all of you, without shame.

You count. Stick out.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Flickr photo: Pippi Långstrump, by Meanest Indian

Related reading: Pep Talk | Forget Finesse, Book | Fitting in is Overrated

Creativity Prompt | 141

Visualize your target in clear detail.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 126 ~ Pep Talk | Zero In

The Power of the Hero Alone

Some times I believe I can fly, by R'eyesEmpowerment is heroic: stand up, undertake a journey, stand alone, face down fears, find treasure … and then do it all over again … and again.

Like heroes throughout time, when we confront tough passages to freedom we’re prompted to weigh pros and cons. Is the trial of the journey worth the goal or can I be satisfied just staying like this? It’s not such a bad life I have now, really. Sort of.

What turns the tide? What motivates us to lace the boots, heft the pack, and stride or stumble forward? And what stops us from doing so?

Two big detours come from people who want to change us and people we want to change. A journey of empowerment only succeeds when we change because we want to change. It’s personal. Wanting others to change before we can succeed puts the power in their hands. Seeking approval for the journey also puts the power into hands other than our own.

“No one can solve problems for someone whose problem is that they don’t want problems solved.”
~ Richard Bach, One

“Whatever anyone else thinks about me is none of my business.”
~ Michael J. Fox, Lucky Man: A Memoir

The shortest distance between you and your empowered dreams is the path you choose, coupled with your willingness to travel that path alone. Not alone as in “lonely.” Alone as in “only one of you, ever.” Reaching for your own empowerment means making a commitment to yourself, inside yourself – a pact between you and you, and no one else. Only then do you tap the fortitude, assistance, guidance, and miracles that pull you toward the people and situations made for you alone – the glorious one and only you.

Flickr photo: Some times I believe I can fly, by R’eyes

Related reading: Hero Practice, Pep Talk | Keep the Faith

Creativity Prompt | 140

What ghost haunts this project?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 16 ~ A Forgiving Tale

Creativity Prompt | 139

Expand the scope.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 89 ~ Quantum Physics and the Art of Manifestation

Creativity Prompt | 138

Whose rules are you playing by?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 79 ~ Secret Spaces

Creativity Prompt | 137

Don’t take no for an answer.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 22 ~ Pep Talk | Rinse, Repeat

Successfully Sensitive | Jo Martin

Open-Hearted Giver

Jo MartinJo Martin’s suggestion for her introductory paragraph says it best, I think:

“Bottom line? I’m just a person. I do the best I can every day to pay forward the blessings I’ve received and to be of service to others within the boundaries of being loving and supportive of my own self.”

Jo plans to have a website called (at least for now) Together on the Path. She welcomes insights from sensitive people about what the site could be like. If you feel moved to open a discussion with her, write to her at

* * *

In what way are you most successfully sensitive?

I’m most successfully sensitive when I allow myself to see through the eyes of my heart. Seeing what I need or what someone else needs at this moment. Seeing that this person – the clerk at the check-out, the person in line with me (the possibilities are endless) – needs a kind word, a smile, something easily given. Seeing a need and responding.

What or who has inspired you to embrace your sensitivity?

Experience. Acceptance. Being disabled. Aging. Time. The Dalai Lama. Thich Nhat Hahn.

Experience? Well, by now, I’ve pretty much been there and done that. I even have the postcards and t-shirts to prove it. Experience has combined with acceptance: I know I’m sensitive and that’s okay. Through experience I’ve learned that each time I use or acknowledge my sensitivity it gives me an even firmer foundation for being more sensitive.

The physical problems I have now are the result of years of abuse and inattention. Five years ago I was blessed by being granted full disability from the U.S. Government. Now I don’t have to struggle to make a living. That, coupled with other life experiences, have made me more compassionate, towards both myself and others.

Being over 60 is another huge blessing. Old ladies can ask questions, can be curious, eccentric and odd – it’s almost expected of us. So now I’m free to say almost anything to anyone, with a smile and with genuine curiosity. People love to talk about their children, their work, their lives, and I learn so much from them.

Time is such a gift; a gift that has allowed me to explore, think, learn, teach, and focus on what is or is becoming important to me. Experience, acceptance, and time have also been vital in helping me learn to set and accept appropriate boundaries.

The teachings of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and Thich Nhat Hanh continually point me in the direction my soul seeks, showing me how to “be” – be peace, be compassionate, be human.

What are your eternal fascinations?

People. Why are they the way they are? And how does being the way they are affect their life? Endlessly fascinating.

How and Why. I am curious about everything!

What quest currently captivates you?

Exploring aging-death-consciousness (I haven’t found one inclusive word for the overlapping aspects). And simple living.

Aging – we all do it. Some gracefully, others not. Aging leads to death. Again, we all do it, some gracefully, others not. In my head, I am in my mid-30s. In “reality,” I am over 60. So, how can I grow older physically and yet be true to that 30-something inside me? How do I maintain a focus outside myself and not on the changes that could lead me to intense self-focused interest? How do I care for myself in ways that nurture and sustain my health and well-being? How – when death seems imminent or desirable – do I die in such a way that my life is vindicated, that I remain true to my values, my ethos? What provisions do I make for my body at my death? How have others aged? Who among “old people” do I admire and wish to emulate?

Consciousness is. We all are. And we all are one. The more I learn, the more I know that everything (really, everything) has consciousness. Take the focus off of being one human – expand one’s own consciousness – and what is possible? Communication and awareness. I have sat in a stream and known what it feels like to be flowing water. I have stuck my face in a busy bee-feeding dish and sensed what it’s like to be a bee. Consciousness is learning to be here now (thank you, Ram Dass).

I’ve been struck recently by the close resemblance of the core concept of Krishna, the Tao, Shinto’s Kami, and certain teachings of the Dalai Lama with each other and with physics’ Unified Field Theory. When existence is pared down to nano-bits (and smaller), everything is connected to everything else. And – how cool is this? – the observer affects the results of what is seen. Isn’t that fascinating?

Regarding simple living, I ask how and what I can streamline, pare down, or eliminate so that my life can be the most rewarding? What do I really need in order to live a life of comfort and joy? What brings joy and beauty to my life? How do I have the best life for me and yet leave the lightest footprint?

There is so much more to learn!

What is your favourite kind of help to give?

At the risk of being smarty, my favourite kind of help to give is whatever I can:

Being courteous. Smiling at someone who seems to need it. Holding the door (with a flourish) for someone. Complimenting someone on how they look or how beautiful their child is.

Discovering that someone needs (or could use) something, and then providing it. A pregnant clerk in a store for whom I can crochet a baby blanket. Finding a safe place to park for a homeless man who felt he had to sleep in his car to protect his wood-working tools.

Listening to people, really listening – hearing, not just waiting for them to shut up so I can blather on about myself.

Giving referrals. I often learn things that are not relevant to my own life, but – within just a short bit of time – I then encounter someone who needs to know what I just learned, so I pass the information along.

I firmly believe that if I stay open and look at the world through the eyes of my heart, I will see many, many ways to be of service.

Photo from Jo Martin.

Related reading: Successfully Sensitive | Saskia Röell, Hidden Lives Revealed

Creativity Prompt | 136

How would a lazy (yet effective) person handle this?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 120 ~ Time Management for Highly Sensitive People

Creativity Prompt | 135

Raise the quality.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 27 ~ Why Germany is Great for HSPs

Pep Talk | Ask Anyway

cosas que pesan, by drusbiThe world expands when you dare to ask. The lever of the question mark moves mountains.

Are you interested in meeting me later for tea? Will you sell it now, for less, for cash? Did you mean to hurt me? What will it take for you to accept me into the program? Can we restructure the loan so the monthly payments are smaller? Would you like to come over?

Curiosity + Action = Power

Muster the courage to stand up for what you want. Decide to play with the possibilities. Don’t get sidetracked by what you can’t control. Ask in order to learn, to sort through options, to get further sooner, to increase your tolerance for truth.

Focus on the question, not the answer.

Get clear about two things: who to ask and what to ask. Ask someone who can make the decision that makes the difference. Let them handle the answer. Ask what you really want to know. Once you know their answer, adjust your strategy. Clarify the next who and what to ask. Repeat.

Be curious. Be clear. Be brave.

{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Flickr photo: cosas que pesan, by drusbi

Related reading: Pep Talk | Find Inspiration, Play Anyway

Creativity Prompt | 134

What outcome would break your heart?

How can you avoid that?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 40 ~ Love’s Slope

Book | The Creative Entrepreneur

The Creative Entrepreneur, by Lisa Sonora BeamI’m hard at play today. Lisa Sonora Beam – author of The Creative Entrepreneur: A DIY Visual Guidebook for Making Business Ideas Real – and I are busy helping me discover a future that has the exact shape of me. Her book rings with her strong voice and clear instructions, making it easy for me to trust her and to dig deep. And fiddling about with art supplies camouflages the delving I’m doing.

“You are not making art; you are enquiring about significant matters using art supplies.”
~ Lisa Sonora Beam

An artist with an MBA from Dominican University’s Green MBA program, Lisa Sonora Beam combined her expertise in both realms and came up with a series of prompts and visual explorations simultaneously useful and fun. The specific concepts she’s invented and developed clarify ways to combine heartfelt, meaningful work and the nuts and bolts of business.

For example, the Creative Entrepreneur Mandala combines four pathways – Heart-Meaning, Gifts-Flow, Skills-Tools, and Value-Profitability. By discovering what’s unique about me in each of those paths, guided by her instructions and encouragement, I close in on what she calls the “sweet spot” at the centre of the mandala, the place where all the pathways overlap. She describes the “sweet spot” as “the absolutely unique value you offer to the marketplace that is aligned with your innermost aspirations and ideals.”

If you yearn to be self-bossing, to create a business system that thrives, or just want to explore the possibilities, there’s a wealth of direction in this book. Please don’t let being creative get in the way of also being wildly successful.

“The processes shared in The Creative Entrepreneur can be accessed by all, but the specifics of each are as unique as the individual. That’s why a cookie-cutter approach to succeeding in business so rarely works. The beauty of the processes described here is that you are using proven tools to create your very own road map for getting from where you are right now to where you want to be. Where and how you travel will look very different from other people’s paths.”
~ Lisa Sonora Beam

Find further information about the book at The Creative Entrepreneur website and blog, and about Lisa Sonora Beam at her Sanctuary Studio website.

Related reading: Collage Vision Boards, Creative Collaboration in Great Groups

Creativity Prompt | 133

What would this project be if it were an animal?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 5 ~ Book | Kinship with All Life

Creativity Prompt | 132

Ask your former teenage self what to do.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 1 ~ Book | Air Guitar