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Creativity Prompt | 151

What if you had a clean slate?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 61 ~ The Reset Button

Successfully Sensitive | Richard Sharpe

British Officer in the Napoleonic War

Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe, from Richard Sharpe, as played by Sean Bean in the British TV series based on Bernard Cornwell’s novels, may seem an odd choice for a Successfully Sensitive interview. He is, after all, a soldier and a fictional character. Nevertheless, he embodies many qualities I want to embody.

Through watching the series that begins with Sharpe’s Rifles, I’ve found Richard Sharpe’s influence following me through my daily challenges. If I repeatedly ask myself, “What would Richard Sharpe do?” then I consider him a worthy role model – and fiction, era, gender, and battle-experience differences (or the fact that I imagined this interview) need not get in the way.

* * *

In what way are you most successfully sensitive?

The troubles I’ve landed myself into come from butting heads with authority figures that see morality differently than I do. As soldiers, we agree to fight for King George, so that’s what I do. If someone I’m fighting with or under – or someone who’s fighting under my command – sees fit to go off in a direction that’s dishonourable, I’ll do what I can to stop them and to expose or fix the problem they create. That’s rough when it takes me into a stand-off with a superior officer.

The fact that I came up through the ranks rather than buying my officer’s commission like all the others doesn’t help me in most cases. People are quick to judge me, to assume I barely speak English, when I can read and write and have learned Spanish and French, too. They assume – because of my accent and being rough around the edges – that I’m stupid (and frankly, that’s a handy tool to use against them at times). But you can’t judge character by how a person speaks or how much money they have or what rank they are. You judge people by the values they hold and how they stick to them when their back’s against the wall.

I seem to easily see people’s values and their intent. I suppose, on top of getting me into lots of tight spots, that’s part of what’s gotten me as far along as I’ve come.

What or who has inspired you to embrace your sensitivity?

The fellow who taught me to read and write saw enough in me to think that was a worthwhile thing to spend time on. Coming up from a lad as hard as I did, I’m grateful for the care he took to recognize something worth teaching in me.

Lord Wellington, of course, gave me my first officer’s command, after I saved his life that day, which I did out of instinct more than anything else – the three Frenchies suddenly rode into camp and surprised me as I was washing up. All I could think of was to get between them and Lord Wellington, so I grabbed my weapons and did them in. Since that first leg-up, Lord Wellington’s been good to me. I’m glad he seems to see me for what I am and wants to use me for what I’ve got rather than make me into someone I’m not. It’s hard work, going out on his orders and coming back having done the job well, but there’s never a dull moment.

And my wife, Teresa – she may be the one who most inspired me. She captivated me, body and soul, from the start: a woman leader of the Spanish resistance, a damaged beauty who still found a way to open her heart for me. I learned so much from her about so many things.

What are your eternal fascinations?

Strategy’s an endless source of interest. There’s always a different way to do something, a way around or through a situation to the desired outcome. The biggest challenges, and the most satisfying to get right, are the ones where things seem impossible, but you keep at it, don’t compromise, keep going toward the strategy that allows success on all levels. Endless fascination, that is.

What quest currently captivates you?

Getting back home in one piece. Having something to show for it. Seeing that my men get through, too.

Holding my head up, even when men from my own country, powerful men – much more powerful than I am – are determined to put me down, or do away with me altogether.

What is your favourite kind of help to give?

I seem able to help people steer true, even in times when it seems impossible. I do that naturally and get pleasure from seeing someone go right, as it were. And I’ve got some fire in me, a drive that seems to come right out when the soldiers need to find their courage.

I can’t help but think about the poor folks who don’t have anyone else to help them along – the women being beaten by the men they’re forced into marrying, or the mistreated soldiers (no more than boys) who are so scared they can’t breathe. My heart goes out to them all and I try to help when I can, to get them to safety, even if that means only helping to change the way they think about themselves. Sometimes the smallest effort to help makes a bigger difference than I’d imagined, so I keep trying.

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Bernard Cornwell – His official, authorized website

Wikipedia entry for Bernard Cornwell – Includes historical order of Sharpe books

Wikipedia entry for Sharpe TV Series – Includes episode order

Amazon – Bernard Cornwell’s author page

SharpeFilm – TV Series information

The Mighty Bean – Sean Bean website


Related reading: Successfully Sensitive | Samantha Reynolds, Hero Practice

Creativity Prompt | 150

Praise each element separately.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 70 ~ Ode to the Curiously Mundane Office

Style Statement Hero

Thanks to the Style Statement blog for posting an article I wrote called “Style Statement Hero.”

Creativity Prompt | 149

Whose approval do you seek?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 32 ~ Pep Talk | Oh, Never Mind

Pep Talk | Set the Timer

out of time, by orvalrochefortHow much time do you spend not doing the repugnant things you need to do? Why?

Wait! Don’t answer that.

Analysis takes time. Consider it optional.

What’s more important – getting the task done or knowing why you’re putting it off? Often, just getting it done is as far as you need to go. Applying brain power only prolongs the agony.

Use brute force to blast past the repugnant task.

To crack through walls of resistance, wield a timer. A timer cuts through the crap. Your noggin’s lame attempts to motivate you vanish when your focus narrows to a timed task.

Set the timer to a length of time that’s absurd. Five minutes to clean the bathroom. Seven minutes to pay the bills. Two minutes to write out a script for the phone call, punch in the phone number, and say, “Hello, may I speak to …”

Time expands and contracts to fit the task. Use that.



{ PEP TALKS deliver a bracing blast of Grace }

Flickr photo: out of time, by orvalrochefort

Related reading: Pep Talk | Simply Wait, Giving Up Housework

Creativity Prompt | 148

What bores you about this project?

Eliminate it or excite it.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 62 ~ Book | Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea

The Benevolent Love Bomb

76/365 - Daddy's lucky charm, by bp6316The term “love bomb” has an iffy pedigree, an association with cults and the recruitment of love-starved loners.

I went on the offensive and love-bombed him. Sparkly sparkle charm quarks pinging out of my eyes, gosh he was the nicest man I had met all day ping ping, I would be so grateful for any help he could see his way to giving me. Ping pada ping.
~ Jessica Hines, Looking for the Big B

Too bad. Great term. Let’s re-purpose it.

Imagine the infinite uses of a benevolent love-bomb, a silly surfeit of doting, over-the-top, magnanimous, way way out there loving-up. Staff, family members, and friends gape in awe and go weak in the knees — from laughter or thrill or both.

Either way, spreading that much joy makes the giver’s day, too.

Flickr photo: 76/365 – Daddy’s lucky charm, by bp6316

Related reading: Love’s Slope, Pep Talk | Dance

Creativity Prompt | 147

Bite off more than you can chew.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 103 ~ Crying and Staying

Creativity Prompt | 146

Enter the realm of the utterly ridiculous.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 28 ~ Funny Practice

Creativity Prompt | 145

Name the most crucial aspect of this project.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 119 ~ Bliss Reminders

Creativity Prompt | 144

Use your peripheral vision.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 99 ~ Looking Up

Successfully Sensitive | You

espejo, by A6U571NThere are more interviews with Successfully Sensitive people to share with you in subsequent weeks, but I want to step closer to you this week and tell you that you, too, dear reader, inspire me with your sensitivity and your success. Thank you for all you’re doing to present your sensitive self to the world. Thank you for your bravery and your willingness to learn about yourself, to grow, and to trust yourself more and more. You inspire me every day

I know you have had successes and I believe we are all sensitive in myriad ways, so how would you answer the Successfully Sensitive questions?

By sharing your answers to any or all of the questions via a comment, you help and inspire other readers to gain an expanded idea of what’s possible — you lob yourself into the open so the ripples can affect others.

It’s time to come out into the open so we can see your beautiful self.

The Questions:

  • In what way are you most successfully sensitive?
  • What or who has inspired you to embrace your sensitivity?
  • What are your eternal fascinations?
  • What quest currently captivates you?
  • What is your favourite kind of help to give?

Flickr photo: espejo, by A6U571N

Related reading: Kudos for Sensitivity, Successfully Sensitive | Dr. Judith Orloff

Creativity Prompt | 143

Say no to what you’ve been saying yes to.


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 31 ~ Pep Talk | Keel Over

Creativity Prompt | 142

What tossed stone will produce the most ripples?


Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process.
See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius.
Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 101 ~ The Sensitivity of Water