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Define Your Journal

The Journal Canteen..., by surrealisteA journal is a record, a recording of something over time. Define that “something” to fit you and your journal becomes exquisitely compelling, beckons and breaks new ground, takes on a life of its own, leads you to temptation, flings you into the arms of insight.

Instances of glory. Weather. Lists of insects sighted. A history of card games. Meals loved. Strong feelings. Sketches of faces. Trials and errors. Books read. The current crush as it comes and goes. Music played and heard. Patterns. Poems. Personalities.

If you’re tuned in to it, if you love and want to possess it, if you care to mark the progressions and changes, it’s fair game. Define your journal solely by your own needs and let yourself be pulled into a game of tracking that yields insights over time, that plays with you as you play.

Make marks. Claim your desire. Invite a response.

Flickr photo: The Journal Canteen…, by surrealiste

Related reading: Curious Curators, The Creative Entrepreneur


  1. jo martin wrote:

    Have to redefine my idea of “journal”. Have always thought of it as a diary, but realize I have a cooking journal, in which I keep those recipes I like best, who ate them, when, what to change or keep. So why not one like that for life in general? Hummmmmm . . . You’ve done it again Grace! Made me think! I like it!

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 8:25 am | Permalink
  2. Yum – a cooking journal. I’ll bet there are lots of books out there that started with a journal archiving the history of an infatuation about something or another.

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 10:42 am | Permalink