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Monthly Archives: April 2009

Creativity Prompt | 66

Name the curse that’s been placed on you. What’s the antidote? Back up. Start over. ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 9 ~ We Are All Magicians

Creativity Prompt | 65

Ask a child between the ages of six and nine for their advice. Be serious and grateful. (Then give them a treat.) ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 28 ~ Wishing […]

Pep Talk | Lead

I don’t care if you haven’t been out of the house in a year. I don’t care if you’re addicted to alcohol, co-dependence, cheese, or heroin. I don’t care if you’re the poster child for pitifulness. All of that is about the lessons you already know you need to learn. It’s old news. What I […]

Creativity Prompt | 64

Move forward by taking teeny tiny micro-steps. ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 15 ~ Time Managment for Highly Sensitive People

Being Home

Do you live in the house, the town, the landscape, the country that makes your heart sing? When you daydream about the place that feels the most like home in every way, where are you? True home – home at a level so deep it feels right at the root of your being – can […]

Creativity Prompt | 63

Tell yourself flattering lies about your talents. Act as though you believe them. ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 7 ~ Compass Titles

Creativity Prompt | 62

Name the curse that’s been placed upon you. What’s the antidote? ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 40 ~ Pep Talk | Ditch the Chasm

Creativity Prompt | 61

Daydream about what it will be like when you are past this. ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 23 ~ Highly Sensitive Havens

Narrative Medicine

What a blessing it is to go to a doctor who’s a skilled listener. As the inhabitant and owner of a highly sensitive body, I’ve amassed a great volume of wisdom about my own self. Because the mainstream medical profession has shown a consistent lack of interest in the valuable database I carry around about […]

Creativity Prompt | 60

Assume you’ll be wildly successful by next week. What do you need to do to prepare? ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for more tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 43 ~ Effectiveness vs. Efficiency

Creativity Prompt | 59

What unexpected gift would you most like to receive right now? ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 27 ~ Bliss Reminders

Creativity Prompt | 58

Describe the outfit your muse is wearing. ~~~ Daily Creativity Prompts deliver a perspective-shifting zap to your creative process. See Grace Kerina’s Creativity Prompts Compendium for tools to spark your genius. Related reading: Creativity Prompt | 48 ~ Personality Tests