One way to gain confidence and connect with people who are likely to understand you more readily than the general population is to attend a gathering of highly sensitive people (HSPs).
The blog HSP Notes is written by a man name Peter. In his post “Connecting HSPs” (scroll down to read the post) he writes about the paradox of trying to connect socially cautious HSPs and highly recommends HSP get-togethers as a solution. He’s attended quite a few and found them to be very rewarding for himself and for other HSPs he knows. In fact, Peter’s been instrumental in starting a variety of HSP groups. For more of his thoughtful enthusiasm, see his blog (and his sidebar, a treasure trove of useful links).
“HSPs – in groups – are very ‘organic.’ What I mean by that, is that you can put 20 HSPs together, and they will have much more in common than merely being sensitive. In contrast, put 20 vintage car enthusiasts, or 20 people affiliated with a political party together, and odds are they’ll only have marginally more commonalities than any random group of people. It’s this organic nature of HSPs as peers that makes it so important for them to connect.”
~ Peter, “Reflections on the California HSP Gathering“
For further gatherings enthusiasm, see Marcia Norris’s article “Why HSPs Need to Gather” (from the August 2001 issue of Elaine Aron’s Comfort Zone newsletter).
Information about upcoming gatherings can be found on Jacquelyn Strickland’s HSP Gatherings page on her LifeWorks website. If you scroll down the Gatherings page, you’ll see photos and links to agenda details from past gatherings – useful for getting sneak peeks of the kinds of activities to be expected.
What do you think? Does the idea of attending an HSP gathering appeal, but simultaneously give you the heebie-jeebies? Well, then, let your curiosity take you by the hand and lead you. Explore possibilities. Go with a pal. Use some vacation time. Figure out how to make it happen. Take a chance. Find your people.
“What is a Community? The Latin word munus means ‘gift,’ as in ‘giving of one’s self to others.’ The word munere refers to something prized, precious, and worth defending. Whenever people develop an attitude of caring for the wellbeing of the whole, community is present….
“Whatever drives people to cooperate and collaborate in the first place is not quite as important as what makes them continue to associate. Resilient connections create viable and sustainable communities. Communities that succeed in making these connections tend to attract the attention of less-connected individuals, who may seek to join and add their resources, energy, and values.”
~ Albert Bates, The Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook
, from New Society Publishers
Thanks for the plug! (also, check your email)
I can’t overstate the importance of HSPs connecting with their peers– and I think that’s a statement that can be applied to any group that shares the experience of feeling “marginalized” by life.
For HSPs, though, that “organic” factor plays in, in a BIG way.
HSP Gatherings are interesting “creatures.” Nearly everyone who’s coming to a Gathering for the first time arrives in a state of anxiety and overwhelm… struggling to stay true to their “leap of faith” that led them to VOLUNTARILY travel a great distance to be with a GROUP of people who are basically STRANGERS… all of which feels completely counterintuitive.
And yet… everyone just seems to “relax into” the vibe there, within 24 hours. The most amazing thing of all– is watching people come to the realization that they are suddenly in an environment where they can be “100% themselves” with others… in many cases for the FIRST time in their lives.
You’re swell. I’ll answer your great email separately – but I want to mention here the wonderful tool you’ve created/facilitated for those of us in this corner of the world: The Pacific Northwest HSP Network –
I’m eager to check it out. Thank you!
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[…] of the earliest articles I wrote on Highly Sensitive Power was about HSP Gatherings. It’s now almost two years later and I’ll be attending one in a few months, right here […]